Our Philosophy: The office focus is equally divided between Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Oriental Medicine. Often one type of treatment is not as good as utilizing two or three; consequently a patient may receive the benefits of multiple types of treatment in one visit. Individual preferences also influence the treatment protocol, as not everyone is open to certain types of treatment. For example: someone may not like to have needles with Acupuncture. We have two non-needle techniques that work extremely well and can be used as a substitute.
We have utilized cold laser treatment since 1997. We have an Alpha Stim 100 unit that is a wonderful treatment for pain, anxiety, depression and insomnia.
Individual treatments are always designed for individual patients. There is not one protocol that is correct for all problems. Beware of clinics where everyone lines up and receives the same treatment!
Seeking New Patient Chiropractic Deals?
Searching for the right business that'll do the right thing can be difficult, especially when it comes to: New Patient Chiropractic Deals. At Doc Mark Jones, we consider integrity and skill to be the most important aspect of any business.
We recognize how crucial it can be to find the right firm for the right task, especially in this particular industry. Since we have many years of experience in the field, we know how to take care of our customers. We seek honesty, effort and performance to reach customer satisfaction.
We also know how to solve any problem quickly and fairly, which means we will work with you regardless of how long it takes.
Doc Mark Jones
1000 Essington Rd.
Joliet, IL, 60435
Phone: (815)729-9711
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Dr. Mark Jones