About us

Often, people see the word “Acupuncture” and figure there is no difference in the way it is practiced or the education involved for those practicing. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Certified Acupuncturist: Minimum required for “certification”,100 hours of study and pass a test.

Chiropractic Acupuncturist:Minimum required,300 hours of study and pass a test.

Licensed Acupuncturist: Attendance at a school dedicated to teaching Acupuncture, 2,650 hours minimum study, pass a battery of tests including academics and clean needle technique. This must be certified by the National Acupuncture governing body, NCCAOM.

As you might have guessed from the above information, I am a Licensed Acupuncturist. Over 22 years I’ve practiced acupuncture under my physician license. The results impressed me to the point that I felt obligated to learn all that I could in this field.

I achieved the Acupuncture education and decided to pursue the Master in Oriental Medicine degree. This was further study in Acupuncture, as well as study in the art of prescribing ancient herbal formulas. This is not what is found in health food stores and can only be dispensed by a licensed practitioner.

At present, to my knowledge, I am the only person licensed in both Acupuncture and Chiropractic in Will County.

If you have a question about a specific problem, and wonder if Acupuncture or Oriental Medicine may help, please ask me!

Dr. Mark Jones

Located in a modern building with easy access and parking.

We have knowledgeable people to help with insurance.

Dr. Mark Jones


1000 Essington Rd.
Joliet, IL, 60435
